Once again, I do apologise for not updating more regularly but as I've mentioned probably a billion times before, I'm a little swamped with work at the moment! Uni finishes in June, so once that is over, I should have alot more time to work on getting the new website up and running (www.ashleyhaven.com) at present there is only a temporary page up there, but expect a lovely new website post-June!
As for orphanage news, it is the rainy season in Ethiopia now and the kids are going a little stir crazy being indoors alot, but I took a lap-top over with me in February for orphanage admin and also for the kids to learn to use and it just so happens it plays DVDs as well, so I believe it's getting a workout at the moment.. after schoolwork is done, of course!
The new staff members have settled in well and Sabi is enjoying being able to spend more time just looking after the babies. Zaidal is still tutoring the kids every afternoon and the kids grades are already improving because of it.
The kids all celebrated Easter with a lovely big feast, the compound was thoroughly decorated and our 3rd goat was brought in from the countryside to be the main course. I was a little upset initially as I was always from the 'you don't eat pets' school of thought, but it wasn't really a pet and as the kids pointed out, it was nice and fat from it's holiday in the countryside..
Now, a couple of pics!
The newest member- 5 year old Mekedes!
Kids and Staff all together
The babies eating a spaghetti breakfast!